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~*Family Page!*~

Vase of Roses

Here Is Some Information On The Entire Gang!

~*Mom*~-She's the person who made me who I am today. (Geeez, thanks alot! *sticks out her tongue*) Nah, actually, she's a really awesome person...sometimes too awesome...like when my friends come over to talk to her instead of me.

~*Dad*~-He lives in IL, and he's a pretty kewl person, too. He's the one who got me to likin' football!

~*Katie*~-Ahhh, my beloved *cough*bratty*cough* older sister! She's absolutely the best person that you could ever wish or even imagine for! I love her to death!

~*Tony*~-That's gonna be my big brother, soon! He's just a big old ball of love! *hee hee* He's really incredible. I'm starting to think that he's possibally good enough for my big sis (which I never thought would happen!).

~*Jon*~-He's my cute lil brother! He's just the kewlest kid to chill with! He and I watch wrestling together! *grin*

~*Cindy*~-She's my aunt. I love her very much! She's so much like me that it's scary! *wink wink*

~*Richard*~-That's my uncle. He's just...he's just Richard. 'Nuff said. *giggle*

~*Christine*~-That's my oldest cousin! She's so much fun! We talk about boys, music, and boys! *lol*

~*Rebecca*~-She's my younger cousin. She's absolutely beautiful. She reminds me of Snow White.

~*Grandpa*~-*ha ha* He's the pimp! *lol* I love him to death! He and I have a blast!

~*Ginger*~-She's one of the newest members of our family. She's very sweet!

Here's My Mom's Website: https://ladyspirit25years.tripod.com/ladyspiritguide